Valerie Smith
Journey Of Faith

We encourage people through stories of faith,
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Val’s story is of breast cancer, finances and relationships. “Our part is to stand in faith, stand on the promises of God and remind ourselves how he came through for us before, is the reassurance he will come through for us again.”


  1. Debby

    Brilliant Valerie. In what ever situation I find myself in, in moments of doubt, worry, fear, uncertainty, I seriously take a day “off.” I don’t do anything, have a pajama day, cry all day, about things that doesn’t even exists, then have a bubble bath, glass of wine, go to sleep (still feeling “lost”) and then, I am back with a bang. I know that, those moments, I have not paid enough attention to me = I want to talk to God. Life is so great when we realise, without Him in our life, we are nothing. And He does love us so very much. He gave me a great sense of humour. He is so good to us all the time. He is with us all the time. Even if it means crying all day, too “see” Him again and say thank you God. I wish you all the best.

    • Val Smith

      Thank you Debby, yes, we need those ‘me’ days, I’m learning to have more of those and just ‘be’ I give myself permission to use it exactly as I want and not feel guilty!
      God Bless

  2. Stacey Siekman

    “I did my bit, He did His.” This statement alone is SO powerful! It is important to know that we do have to do our part–trusting HIM and stay out of HIS way for doing HIS! Your story is one of courage, trust, love, connection, & God’s favor. I love the title of your book, Heart to Heart with God.

    • Val Smith

      Thank you Stacey. God bless x

  3. Jim Barber

    Thank you for your testimony. I lost my wife to breast cancer 5 years ago. Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse that encourages me. Continue to go deeper in His Word, surrender and finish strong. That is the challenge my wife gave the pastor to give at her celebration of life service before she passed. God bless you.

    • Val Smith

      Thank you Jim. I’ve left a comment on your check your game story. God bless

  4. Peggy Bodde

    Beautiful story, Valerie, and I love how you describe God as your partner: “I did my bit, he did his.”Thank you for the powerful reminder that God is always with us and always working for us!

    • Val Smith

      Thank you Peggy. God bless x

  5. Wendy Wallace

    Valerie, I know you’re living in a wonderful state of health, peace & joy. I love stories of faith, resilience & resourcefulness. BTW, this quote truly made me smile…”I wasn’t fearful. I knew God would come through for me. He did; I’m here to tell the tale and I’m still in my lovely house.” Thank you for sharing your story.

  6. Karen Pennington

    This is such a great story, and so relevant to those who continue to struggle with finances, health and relationships. God isn’t just beyond the trials; God is with us right in and through them. Blessings on you.

  7. Allan

    Hi Valerie, you are a warrior and God loves the way you fight back because you (and I) believe that it’s God’s strength we rely upon in all our challenges: Zechariah 4:6…not by might nor by power but by My Spirit” Says the LORD of hosts. May our loving Creator, God and Master continue to guide and bless you through every every step of your life and may you be a source of encouragement to others around you. God bless. Allan & Sandra.India. (

    • Val Smith

      Thank you Alan for your kind words and encouragement.
      Of myself I am weak but in Gods strength I can do anything.
      I have to remind myself of this often.
      God bless you and your family

  8. Gary Rogers

    Val, I just wanted to say thanks again for sharing your story. I’m so encouraged that you give God the glory and amazed how stories of faith are so powerful for others to be encouraged with as well. Lastly, I just love the verse you shared. What’s more powerful than God’s words! Thank you again for your story and your friendship. I look forward to staying in touch.

  9. Tony Kelly


    The power of the lord.

    We trust in him to bring us through any kind of adversity.

    God bless Val

    • Val Smith

      Thank you for leaving a comment Tony.
      Yes, can only do any of this in Gods strength.
      God bless you, your family and your work in helping others


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