Tom Hammon
Journey Of Faith

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“After 29 years of marriage my wife decided to leave and start a new life.” Read to learn how God is still faithful, even in the messiness of life.


  1. Stacey Siekman

    Tom, what a story! I can’t believe that you were swarmed by bees the day you moved into your house, and to open the bible and read that scripture is incredible—no, it is GOD! HIS ways are not our ways!
    The “unexpected” event or circumstance can come upon us like a “swarm of bees”, but God is there to protect us from the “stings”.
    I appreciate your story. It is one that I will always remember!

  2. Peggy Bodde

    Thank you, Tom, for this incredible story! I love how specific God is with every detail. The passage you read was perfect and I could see God saying, “I see you, Tom. I’m with you.”

  3. Wendy Wallace

    I’m sorry for your loss, Tom. But you have learned strength in time of adversity. You saw God working right where you needed Him. And now you can use your experience to help others. Thank you for a powerful story.

  4. Val Smith

    Thank you Tom, I can relate to that sense of bewilderment after divorce. He comes through for us in such a personal way that increases our faith in our loving Father!
    God Bless you Tom

  5. Dr. Katrina Esau

    What a powerful story of God’s protection. He is always on time. I can relate to His word becoming rhema during a tough time. Thankfully restoration was my portion, but I can relate to the pain of marital trauma when it comes to being separated from the one you love. Thank God for healing, grace, and mercy. May His balm of Gilead continue to rest upon you.

  6. Billy Southerland


    It is hard for me to put into words what you mean to me. You are my spiritual father , I am but one of many our Lord has used you to lead to His Kingdom. The aroma of Christ fills the room when you walk into it. I treasure your friendship and Gods kindness in bringing you into our life. I am so proud of you and so thankful for the mercy our Father shows us especially in the worst of times ! What a beautiful image He gave you with the bees in your home and then the scripture in Psalm 118. I love you Tom. Thank you for reminding us all of His unending mercy , grace amd perfect Love.

  7. Staci Diffendaffer

    What an amazing story of how God speaks to us when we seek him. I love the quote “He specializes in those times when we are desperate for his care.” Inspiring story- thank you for sharing this!

  8. Bruce Pulver

    Tom, Your commitment to follow the Lord on this unexpected and unwanted life change is such an amazing example of faith. Thank you for sharing your journey so openly.

  9. Bret Meyer

    Thank you for sharing, Tom. Again, good timing. A former co-worker of mine “had to” file for divorce yesterday….after more than 40 years of marriage. Makes no sense. But it happens. As reminded in my devotions this morning, I don’t believe God makes, or wants bad things to happen to us. But he knows they will and they do. He does, however, promise to be with us and guide us through those bad times.
    As I read your story, I was thinking of what kind of encouragement I could text to this former co-worker. I think Psalms 118: 10-14 will be a good scripture reference to include. Thank you again for sharing

  10. Debby

    Good day Tom

    I got married very young, but fell pregnant 5 years later. Never one to have wanted children, it was a huge shock to learn I was pregnant. Very much to my dismay, I literally cried anytime, as someone congratulated me. For two weeks. There you have it. My “mistake” turned into my biggest blessing and success story. But, goodness, I prayed every night, for me to be a good Mom and for a healthy girl with red hair and green eyes. I know that God gave me the gift of a lifetime. Everything after that, was just something to looking forward to the next, new chapter. You have no idea when you hear the ‘clique’, a new beginning. It is true. And God gave me a beautiful redhead with green eyes. I am so blessed and forever grateful.

  11. Kristin Nelson

    Thank you so much for sharing! Thank you for trusting in the Lord and being the “Word” that moved into the neighborhood! As I read through your “checkyourgame” moment I was fighting back tears while gently smiling at the same time. This showed how much you leaned on Christ! Despite your pain you continued to praise His name!! What a beautiful signature from God that He presented a vivid illustration of His mercy, protection, and His unconditional LOVE for YOU!!! Thank you for setting a Christ like example for others to follow! It is a true pleasure to worship and learn from you each week at servant leadership!!!

  12. Gary Rogers

    Tom, I think it’s amazing how God showed up for you and many of us in His own special way to let us know that He is there for us. So sorry that you had to experience some of those things you shared, but God will work those things out for His plans and we both know that those are the best plans! I’m thankful for your story and thankful I get a chance to get to know you better through Bible Study. I hope you’ve enjoyed the process we’ve take you on so far. Just know that your story and life lessons will always be around to impact and encourage, even when you or I aren’t around! Thanks again Tom!

  13. Karen Pennington

    What a wonderful testimony about God’s timing and the power of God’s Word, a living and active sword, to cut through our despair at specific point when we need it most and are seeking God. God bless you and your ministry.

  14. Dave Berens

    Great story Tom. Hope everything worked out for the best and things continue to get better.

  15. Jodi La Belle

    Tom, sometimes what we think is good in life What you thought was good was not God plan. He has has something greater planned for you. You would be surprised how many people stays in bad relationships, also jobs , because of fear. Gary is awesome, my story begins with a bug called a hornet . The bee family symbolizes strength, Wisdom, that comes from God. He always make a way for his little children. It’s his timing, his era. I invite you to read my story from the heart ❤️ of a child. Grateful Jodi LaBelle

  16. Leigh Mackenzie

    I love how the Lord calmed the bees in your story to remind you He is God of all. Not only that, your Bible reading directed you to Psalm 118 right in time. Isn’t God’s Word sweet like honey, brightening our eyes and providing sustenance when and where we need it most?


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