Susan Louise Gabriel
Journey Of Faith

We encourage people through stories of faith,
legacy, and our trusted business community

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When we didn’t give in to pressure, I lost custody of my daughter and my husband was charged with a felony that carried a 16-year prison sentence


  1. David J Berens

    While I’m not much of a reader, Susan’s story makes me want to know more about what she went through, how things got so bad, and how she found he strength to make it.
    Best of luck in the rest of our days.

  2. Darci J. Steiner

    Your story has impacted me once again. I’m so glad you are sharing your experience, though difficult, because it’s a story of God and his redemptive love.

    Also, I really like your new book cover! Looks great!


  3. Tisha

    What a story! Susan, thank you for sharing your words and your heart with the world. I cannot imagine what you and Clark went through and the relief that came from hearing he was not guilty, even though there was so much more work to do. You are a strong woman, mom, wife and daughter of God. He always has big plans for you, no matter if we color outside of the lines or have doubts. Thank you for reminding us all of that. My continued prayers for you and your family as we enter another New Year. ♥️

  4. Val Smith

    Oh my, Susan I can’t even begin to imagine the hell you went through.
    Just reading your story made me feel angry at the system.
    What an amazing, strong, courageous lady you are.
    There’s something I’m going through at the moment which will require a decision to fight the system or not. Your story has encouraged me to err on the side of doing what is right.
    Thank you for sharing. God bless you and your family.
    P.S sorry, forgot to say, I love your quote Susan, and it’s one I will share.

  5. Gary Rogers

    I’m thankful for you Susan for sharing your story and your transparency. Also I’m so excited that I’m now sharing God’s stories too! Thank you so much for being a part of what we’re doing in order to encourage others in their “game of life” and bragging about how God can help us all!


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