Staci Diffendaffer
Journey Of Faith

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The Abuse wasn’t New but it would need Forgiveness

Faith, Gen X, Health, Life Stories, Sexual abuse, Suicide

“I learned how to love—not conditionally, but freely, without fear.”
Staci’s story is about overcoming many obstacles that stood in her way and prevented her from experiencing freedom and joy.


Full Interview


  1. Keitha

    Incredibly inspiring story! So glad you are doing so much better now!

  2. Jean Rogers

    Dear precious Staci,
    I just read your “Check Your Game” life story. Wow!!! You are an amazing overcomer with God’s help, provision and grace. Your story is a powerful one and will inspire all who read it.
    You have experienced the goodness of our God as He walked this journey with you each step of the way.
    Thank you for sharing with much transparency.
    May God continue to bless your and your husband in this journey called life.
    Blessings! Jean Rogers

  3. Sabrina Protic

    Staci thank you for sharing your emotional story. At an early age you were searching and looking for love. What you found were people who did not know love and were seeking their own selfish motives at your expense. You went through trial by fire because you never gave up and in the end you found love with your now husband. You and your husband also found something greater which is the spiritual refuge. There you found total forgiveness, unconditional love and blessings.. I see happy at the end of the rainbow.

  4. April

    Thank you for sharing your testimony, sis! You are definitely going to be able to reach many different walks of people. This was very well written! Thank you for your vulnerability and transparency. God bless you and yours! Praise the Lord for your healing!

  5. Sara Im

    Wow Staci,
    I’m so sorry you went through so much. But, I’m glad you found your way out of the darkness. Praise God for his love and compassion. Praise God that he brought Jose into your life.
    All the best.

  6. Steve

    Thanks for sharing your story and providing me with some inspiration.

  7. Wendy Wallace

    Staci, my heart was breaking for you as you were sharing event after event where you were hurt. But God…I knew there would be a happy ending and there certainly was. We often wonder why God allows horrible things to happen in our lives. But it is always for our God and His glory. What a beautiful story of recovery. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Peggy

    Incredible, incredible testimony! Thank you for sharing this and for breathing hope into a scarred and scared world. I’m so grateful we connected, and I continue to be inspired by you and all that God is doing in your life!

  9. Dwight

    What an inspiration, Staci! Your courage and compassion in sharing your story is so moving, so touching. Your efforts are grace in action with the spotlight on an all-loving God. Thank you!

  10. Cammie

    Thank you for sharing your testimony. You are so strong and I’m sorry you had to endure so much alone. A lot of your story resonates with me, and I’m glad you shared the part about asking God to show himself. I believe that you receive when you ask, but hearing your testimony made it so much more clearer and was the message I needed. Bless you and your marriage, you deserve to be happy and blessed.

  11. Garrison Reeves

    I appreciate your story of triumphant renewal in your spiritual and physical life. As evidenced by your story, both are corner stones to a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for the reminder!!

  12. Aaron DeSha

    It was very courageous of you to share your story, Staci. You are an incredibly strong woman and your testimony is a powerful way to help others heal. Thank you.

  13. Sherri

    Your story is meant to be told! What an inspiration you are! Congrats on all you have accomplished and will still yet do! You are an unrepeatable miracle just the way you are!❤

  14. Gary Rogers

    Staci, I’m so thankful that I got to know you! I’m also appreciative that you were so transparent and humble in sharing about a bunch of difficulties that weren’t even of your own doing! There is only one solution for people in order to overcome these things or really anything we deal in life and that is a God that wants a relationship with us all. I’m encouraged that you share all these things as well as in your book which I’m enjoying too! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for your next chapter and excited to join with you and willing to help in any way I can. Thanks again for your time with Check Your Game. A last thought before I leave. Would you consider thinking about a few people you might know that you would like to nominate in order for them to share their story too? Thanks for considering!

  15. Filipe

    Great story. Thanks for sharing it. Repentance and honesty is the key for God to step in your own world and make all necessary changes.

  16. Dr. Katrina Esau

    Staci, I enjoyed reading your story. As I read it, particularly the part where you met Jose, I was thinking where did the healing happen and how? Without it, the issues will resurface. Then, my answer, Celebrate Recovery. Kudos to you for never giving up on yourself and glory to God for the purpose He wrote over you before you were ever born. Our pain certainly pushes us to our purpose when we allow it to take its course. I often say I’d never want to walk through my season of pain again (infidelity), but it was good that I was afflicted because it gave me the relationship that I have with the Lord and it taught me His ways. Thanks for sharing your story.

  17. Charity Wottrich

    What an amazing story of God’s redemptive power. Your story is heartbreaking, but it doesn’t end that way. Praise God for the way you are now using your story to give others hope.

  18. Christine W

    What a beautiful and heart-wrenching story. Bless you Staci.

  19. Jenny

    Hi Staci, so glad you found God. He fixes everything. How wonderful. God bless you and yours X Jen

  20. Marisol Quiroz

    As I was Reading the story all I can think of is Staci has so much bound trapped energy stored in her body as trauma And resentment and anger and a lot of the times we don’t even know we are caring that and we just get busy building and doing things to avoid dealing with the trapped energy and emotions within us. I am so happy to see that she’s healing to forgive all those that hurt her in the past because at the end of the day forgiveness is for us, not for the other person.

  21. Dr Sharlene Mullings

    Staci, You have such an amazing story so phenomenal. I thank God for the transformation in your life and healing but your story has really truly blessed my whole entire soul. Continue to share your story and bless others. I definitely have to share the story with the world as well.

  22. Darci Joy Steiner

    Your story is so compelling. I am reading your book and relate on so many levels. God is using you to help encourage so many people. I’m thankful for you having the courage to share your story to help others.
    Your vulnerability draws people to you. I’m so glad we have connected!

  23. Tami Thorsen

    Staci, it is such a blessing to know you and I thank God for orchestrating our connection! God’s richest blessing on your ministry!

  24. Desiree Taylor

    What an incredible story of God’s redeeming love. I had some tears as I read your story. Praise God for what He has done in you and in your marriage. I am excited to see how He continues to work in you. Thank you for sharing!

  25. Lisa Uhrik

    Staci — your book is a precious and wonderful gift to the world. How many of us are feeling trapped or bound by roots of bitterness and fear? And nothing productive can happen until we let God pull away the barbed wire tangles and use those events in our lives. Thank you for your openness and vulnerability –for your brave strength and witness. And for your beautiful book, newly born and released into our world. I pray it finds our angry and hurt nation and helps us return to people and open ourselves to love.

  26. Cathy D. Dudley

    Hello Staci
    Your advice above rings sooo true in every way!!!
    What a life you’ve had and now ~ with God ~ what amazing fruits are being shared to help and encourage others.
    I’m sorry your journey was incredibly difficult, but Thank You! BLESSING


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