Stacey Siekman
Journey Of Family & Faith

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A Powerful Story of Life as her Mom was Lost

Business, Death, Faith, Family, Gen X, Health, Life Stories, Sports

In Stacey’s story, you can watch her video interview or read her story about a time when she watched her Mom pass away before her eyes.
Learn more about how her business, Balanced Body Reflections got started through this process.

Full Interview


  1. Laura Nutt

    Thank you Stacey for the powerful takeaways and the courage in your vulnerability in sharing! I appreciate the focus on allowing oneself or giving permission to experience the process of healing. That is so key! Thank you for your strength as I know your story touches many lives. God Bless you!

    • Stacey Siekman

      Thank you Laura! The process of healing, is exactly that, a process. I appreciate your encouraging words and for taking the time to hear my story. I love to share with others that their heart is their story—
      Healing Energy Always Reflects Truth–my hope is that each person experience this Healing Energy–for it is HE that is the ART of our HEART!

  2. Kate Decker

    Stacey, thank you for sharing your incredibly heartfelt story!

    Losing a loved one is never easy, but they always would want us to move forward and persevere. You have done an amazing job of breathing new life into the world and helping others!

    God’s blessings and thank you again for sharing!

    • Stacey Siekman

      Thank you Kate! I really appreciate your encouraging words and your understanding of the difficulty of losing a loved one! May we always learn the ways to step out of circumstance and into life!

  3. Jessica Cortez

    Hi Stacey and Gary,

    Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. After listening I think about healing and awakening and the illusionary sense of separation from God that once you (I and likely many others) have created. The observation to identify what you have given mastery over in your life, i.e., the heart or the ego is to commit to the fullness of your energy. Focusing on dynamics, the relationship that holds value is love and surrendering to a desire for perfect peace is not a desire for passivity or inactivity but for more activity (e.g., fulfillment with your family).

    Your story proves a point that “there is no one living a life, there is life.” Once we realize this we gain maturity of desire, intention and allowance and we can no longer resist being responsible for our experience. Humility and discipline hold value here so that our internal conflicts are healed and settled. The idea is that for separation to have occurred (or to be created), we identify with a voice that led us to believe that our creations create our identities rather than the wave we call our identity is anchored to the depth of the same ocean. Once this perspective shift happens we can drop the shackles to the presence of love and remember what we are truly here for. The takeaway for me, listening to your story, is that we can be fully committed to happiness as we have been fully committed to unhappiness, limitation and lack. I appreciate your advice to be intentional about experiencing the process of healing our separation from God – the recognition that you do not live life at all, but rather that life is living you. To be vigilant, we must listen for the echo of an old habit (watch for possible danger or difficulties) and practice non-attachment to a passing cloud so that we can know our life differently.

    Gary, I appreciate what you are doing with Check Your Game, I realize now the principle that desire is the thread that links us here.

    • Stacey Siekman

      Thank you Jessica for your words! I loved reading your thoughts! It is always such a blessing to hear and see another’s perspective on such a personal “piece” of my story.

      Stories are SO powerful and Gary has captured this incredible energy in Check Your Game!!

      May we all continue to shine in our greatness as we share the stories that are closest to our hearts!

  4. Sara Im

    Stacey, thank you for sharing your painful memories of losing your mom. It reminds me of the time when I lost my mom, whom I was her caregiver. Your ability to experience all feelings during your mourning and moving on positively into your future is admirable. God bless you.

  5. Stacey Siekman

    Hi Sara! Thank you for taking the time to listen/read my story! It is great to have things in common, but I wish losing our mom’s wasn’t it! The grief runs deep, but it holds special treasures too.

    It has taken me along time to understand this. I look forward to learning more about you and your journey!

  6. Lisa Uhrik

    This is so beautiful Stacey. Life is for us…. what a compelling thought. Life is a series of profound losses…and those tears are what happen when language is not adequate. Seeing those tears as teachers and speakers is just a wonderful, unique thing. “Experience the process” — intentional movement. This is something I need to learn more about…

  7. Gary Rogers

    Stacey, thank-you for sharing a bit of your story! It’s not easy to lose a loved one, especially your Mom, but you took this moment to dig down and find the positive. Not only did you see how you had a breathing new life in your body that was in you, but also you had another life that was growing in the case with your business. After getting to know you even more Stacey, I see that you have a really good “HEART” and one that cares about others, wants to encourage others and wants the best for others. I can’t wait to see what the good Lord is going to do with your business, your books and how He’s using you to be the LIGHT and to be LIFE for others when they are experiencing “the last breaths” in areas of their lives that need resuscitated. Thanks again for sharing your story and being transparent in our conversation. Always let me know if there’s anything I can do to be of help to you.


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