Sherry Jones
Journey Of Faith

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Just left Prison and I wanted to be in the Know

Abuse, Depression, Faith, Gen X, Identity, Life Stories

The story: “CHURCH GIRL” meets PRISONER!


  1. Jean Rogers

    Your book, “Speak Life Moments- A Transformational Journey” is amazing in the fact that you used a difficult beginning to be healed with God’s power, love and grace. You came to realize that you are beautiful in God’s eyes (Psalms 139:13-14). I am paraphrasing this verse, but this is what I think. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made by my Father. He took great care in my creation and delights in His work. I am beautiful!”

    Sherry, I’m encouraged that you realized that God had a plan to create you and that you are also beautiful. Your book that I’m reading is both inspirational and powerful. Thanks for sharing your story.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello Ms. Jean! Thank you so much for reading my story here and for reading my book. Yes, realizing that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made was a turning point in my journey. I’m so glad my story was a blessing to you. You’re most welcome.

  2. Sabrina Protic

    Sherry your story is very powerful and offers hope to individuals who are in abusive relationships and who have lost their way.

    Life is a gift. You embraced your faith and found yourself again. Thank you for having the strength and courage to share your life.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Sabrina! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it blessed you. I’m honored to share my story as a source of encouragement for others. You’re most welcome.

  3. Gary Rogers

    Sherry, thank you so much for being so transparent in sharing your story. When I first got on a Zoom with you, I could sense the Holy Spirit (I take that back, I sensed it when I saw you over a podcast)! Anyway, I’m appreciative of your story and the difficult things that took place in your past, but that you were able to overcome those things with the best source of strength that we believe everyone needs, Jesus! I too can understand that even as a believer, my concerns weren’t of Godly things but of my own passions and desires which didn’t fulfill! I’m so glad we have free will and I’m also glad that God grabs our attention as Believers and helps us to get our ship back going straight….not like the current one in the Suez Canal (3/21). Thanks again Sherry for sharing your story and I’m thankful that “God’s Grace abounds for you and me.”

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Gary! Thank you so much for this platform and the opportunity to share my story. I’m so glad it was a blessing to you and your readers. Keep up the amazing work you are doing with Check Your Game. I pray abundant blessings for you and your family!

  4. April D. Metzler

    This was such an encouragement to read! I agree – There is hope on the other side of seeking the Father! He saves us from even our own self. When we stumble, when we fail in our own ways and strength, when we fall into unhealthy cycles of existing – He is still there. He does not leave us nor forsake us. He is always there, just a breath away.
    Thank you, Sherry, for this encouragement, sis!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, April! Thank you so much for reading my story and reminding us Jesus is only a breath away. I’m so glad my story blessed you. You are a blessing to me in more ways than I can count.

    • April D. Metzler

      Your story is blessing more folks than you know, sis! I encourage you to continue in this good work unto His name for His glory!

      • Sherry Jones

        Will do, sis!

  5. Keitha

    What an impactful and courageous story of strength!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Keitha! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it was a blessing.

  6. Staci Diffendaffer

    It’s so inspiring to hear how God saved you and provided a way out of an impossible situation. And then brought you into a healthy relationship with someone who knew your worth. Your story is such a great reminder that God is always with us, chasing after our hearts. Thanks for courageously sharing your story!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Staci! Thank you so much for reading my story. Yes, the Lord is always there loving us even when He seems far away. I’m so glad the story was a blessing to you. You’re most welcome!

  7. Nichole

    This is so powerful. Your story shows that you can always turn it around with God’s help !

  8. Sherry Jones

    Hello, Nichole! Thank you for reading my story. Yes, He will turn it around! I truly appreciate your support. You are such a blessing to me!

  9. Tracy Dobbins

    What an inspirational story

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello Tracy! Thank you for reading my story and always supporting me. You’re amazing!

  10. E. Jackson

    Beautiful testimony!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, E. Jackson! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it was a blessing to you.

  11. Millie McCullough

    Wow I Really Like Your Life Story Sherry Jones.I Pray that Your Story Helps Others in These Type of Situations to Seek Help to Get Out. Bless You Mrs Jones.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Evangelist Millie! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it blessed you. Yes, I pray it encourages and inspires others to get help as well. Love doesn’t hurt.

  12. Tina J. Pearson

    Wow! This is an amazing and inspirational story. Thank you for sharing! I love how through it all, you were able to find your way back to God and your purpose in life!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Tina! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it was a blessing to you. You’re most welcome. Yes, it was a journey, but I’m thankful to return to Him as well.

  13. Monica Boyd

    Thank you for be so transparent. I loved how you express your feelings. This truly helped me in many ways!!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Monica! Thank you for reading my story and sharing your kind words. You’re most welcome. I’m so glad it helped you and was a blessing to you.

  14. Samantha

    Thank you so much Sherry for sharing your story and allowing other individuals in domestic violence relationship to see that there is hope and that there is help.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Samantha! Thank you for reading my story and supporting me. You rock! Yes, that’s the main message I want them to know. Don’t suffer in silence. Get help!

  15. Yolanda B.

    Sherry so powerful and inspiring. May God continue to bless the works that He has for you to share with the world.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Yolanda! Thank you for reading my story. I receive the blessings and truly appreciate your words of encouragement. Be blessed!

  16. Carmen McClinton

    Very powerful story Sherry. Thank You for your transparency and your courage in telling your story! This is a reminder that God is always with us and protecting us even when we are not aware. God truly has a plan for your Life. Continue to Walk in your Calling my sister!!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello Carmen! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it was a blessing to you. Yes! I’m beyond thankful for his protection. Thank you for your encouraging words. Blessings!

  17. Davette L. Longino-Wilson

    OMG!!! This story was very engaging. It really captivated my attention and had me wanting to read more.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Davette! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so blessed to call you a cousin, friend, and ministry partner. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me! Love you much!

  18. Stacey Siekman

    Sherry, your story is so empowering! It is amazing what love can do….embrace us, support us, abuse us, encourage us, defeat us, or in your case, almost kill us. I am grateful that he released you from his grip and that God embraced you in HIS!

    I am always so amazed at the strength that comes in and through these difficult circumstances. May you always continue to shine in your greatness!!

    God has great plans for you!

  19. Sherry Jones

    Hello, Stacy! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it was a blessing to you. You are so right about the power of love. It can be good and bad. Your encouraging words mean so much. Blessings!

  20. Paul

    Ok, Sherry Jones is the bomb. Her story is so powerful and impactful! If any woman needs guidance in how to live that life for Jesus, she’s the real deal!!! She is definitely the Speaks Life MidWife!!!!!

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello Paul! Thank you so much for your kind words and support. You rock! Thank you for reading my story. Blessings to you and Hollie!

  21. Karla Douthard

    Thank you for sharing, I left a abusive marriage years ago the first time he laid hands on. I was 4 months pregnant and with a 3 year old son. Never went back. Praying Women will wait on the Lord before getting involved with anyone who has not called by God to be their soulmate in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen. May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to Blessed you more abundantly in His Name Jesus Amen.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello Karla! Praise God you left that marriage and you and your children are safe. Yes, waiting for the one God had for you is key. Thank you for sharing your story as well. Many blessings to you also!

  22. Dr. Katrina Esau

    Sherry, what a powerful story. Thank God for His grace and protection. Thank you for sharing your story and allowing God to use it for His glory.

    • Sherry Jones

      Hello, Dr. Katrina! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m so glad it blessed you.

  23. Sharlene Mullings

    What an awesome story. I love the fact that Sherry was so transparent with her story. I know that it will help many. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul… Romans 1:1. “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the—here it comes, the theme of the book—”separated to the gospel of God.”

    He was called to be an apostle, a “sent one.” And what was he sent to do? Proclaim God’s message of good news! Share the gospel! He viewed himself as set apart for this task above all others. Whatever else he had to do in life, this one thing held a place of absolute precedence. KEEP SHARING YOUR STORY OF THE GOOD NEWS to help someone ELSE…

    Thank you

    • Sherry Jones

      Thank you so much for reading my story, Dr. Sharlene! I’m glad it was a blessing to you and I truly appreciate your words of encouragement. Keep sharing your story and shining your light as well my sister. Blessings!

  24. Rylie Wade

    This is such a powerful testimony! So encouraging and uplifting by showing how God always has a plan for you. Finding your identity through God and knowing you are valued is such a blessing!

    • Sherry Jones

      Thank you so much for reading my story, Rylie! I’m glad it blessed you. You are so right! Finding your identity in God is the key to walking in your truth and understanding its value. Blessings to you and yours!


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