Rada Zunich
Journey Of Faith

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In Rada’s story, she shares about developing better relationships in College while playing soccer, but more importantly, decided that her relationship with God was more important than just connecting once a week.

1 Comment

  1. Gary Rogers

    Rada, thanks so much for sharing your story. It didn’t sound like things were too easy in High-School with your soccer program as well as relationships on the team. I’m sorry you had to go through that period but I also am excited that you did in order to encourage others who might be on the same page as you once were. Check Your Game is exactly what you finally did when you got out of High-School and entered College. You realized that you needed to work on relationships with others and made that a priority. You not only got to know your teammates more, but you got involved so much that you were the mediator to those around you. It’s amazing how God used a young introverted girl in High-School to be the person to help others with their issues! I can see how God used your experiences in life to not only encourage others but also for you to learn about yourself. You realized that God wasn’t just for Sunday’s, but He was also an important part in your life on a daily basis, including your soccer. I’m not sure what God’s plan was for you but you are right! He is with you always and continues to put us in places where we aren’t always comfortable or even happy but His plan always has the best ending! Rada, you sound like a great young woman who desires to improve and be a better person. I just wanted to encourage you to continue doing this same in life, even when it doesn’t seem to make sense. I know there are many times in my life when I couldn’t understand why certain things took place, but years later, realized that God had a bigger and better plan for me in my life. I know he has a great plan for you as well. Thanks for sharing and I know your story will be an encouragement for others.


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