Melvin Shuler II
Journey Of Faith

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Playing Sports is an Amazing Thing, but Pick Only One

Business, Faith, Family, Gen Z, Life Stories, Sports, Wrong Path/Party Scene

In Mel’s story, he shares how about a time that he got into a fight with a much bigger teammate and how this allowed him to face fears in life.

1 Comment

  1. Gary Rogers

    Mel, what an eventful life you’ve had as you grew up playing sports. It sounds as if you faced many obstacles in life and were tested on many occasions. Some of these things were of your own doing and others weren’t, but you recognized that you needed to find the best path and you did. Isn’t it amazing that when we do make good choices, how God allows us to see some really great results. The results may or may not always be something people see on the outside, but He sure allowed you and others to see the results such as your grades, your basketball and the Love from those around you. This is what Check Your Game is all about Mel. It’s about going though life, recognizing areas to improve and then taking action which you did. Thanks again for sharing Mel and I hope you continue to use your gifts and the investment your parents helped you with to encourage others.


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