At Check Your Game, we share stories of people who have examined their “game of life,” got on better path and want to brag about God. Now, meet Melvin Savio who we recently did a zoom interview with.
He was born in India, raised as a cradle Catholic, and in 2018 moved to Houston after finishing his master’s in mechanical engineering to pursue an industrial engineering degree in the states. Wow, that sounds like a lot of school doesn’t it!
It was 10 years ago, while still living in India that Melvin shares his story about being in the hospital around Christmas time because of very high temperatures. After his temperatures subsided after 2 days in the hospital, the Doctor gave him the green light to go home. Just before Melvin and his family were about to leave, Melvin took a quick bathroom break and says, “the most insane thing happened ever…I started to bleed.”
He screamed to the doctors and his family for help. He felt like he was dying after losing what seemed to be a half gallon of blood. The doctor was confused even with his 45 years of experience. Melvin’s grandparents were really scared and especially his parents, who didn’t want to lose their only son. The only thing they could think of was to pray and ask others for prayers as well.
6 days later, on December 30th, Melvin woke up completely healed. Stools, tests, platelets were all normal. The Doctor said he has never seen a case like this; someone bleeding so much and then recovering so fast.
Melvin now describes his life’s path as, “Jesus’ way- not my way!”
My Advice
Do life Jesus’ way- not your way!
I love how spontaneous you guys were to do this on the spot! What a marvelous story of God showing up in an amazing way. Melvin – thank you for sharing your story. You’re a champ for doing this short notice with Gary. You are a natural story teller. Keep telling your story! What a blessing. I’ll be watching for your content on LI. I pray God would anoint you with understanding as you continue to pursue Him.