Kyvin Goodin-Rogers
Journey Of Sports & Faith

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Kyvin Goodin Rogers

Faith, Gen Z, Health, Identity, Life Stories, Sports

This is a quick glimpse into the life of Kyvin the basketball player who discovered God after many tough years dealing with injury and depression.
If you want to learn more about her, she has a book she wrote called More Than Just a Game: Overcoming Adversity.

1 Comment

  1. Gary Rogers

    Kyvin, sports are tough! A lot of times when we’re on our couches watching others play sports, people watching think it all is just fun and games. They don’t see all the hard work, sweat, tears, injuries and other crap that us athletes face day after day. You are no different and share about some tough times, eventually talking about the depression you had most likely because your identity as a basketball player wasn’t going as well as you had planned it. I just want to say thanks for sharing and being so transparent with me and for allowing others to learn as well. There are so many others out there who might also be identifying more as an athlete, but by doing that, there will always be a day sooner than later when that can longer bring fulfillment! What is most exciting about your story is that you found a solution and that was you decided to put your Faith in God and not in basketball. Thanks again Kyvin and please let me know how I can help connect others to your book.


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