Kyle Decker
Journey Of Health
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Kyle Decker
In Kyle’s video interview, he discusses business, sports, family, humility and what he did when his eyes were opened to his health! Below the video interview, you can read about Kyle being a Big Fish in a small pond before he played football at Miami University.

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Kyle, thanks again for both your written story and video interview about moments in your life when you applied Check Your Game. It seems that the word humble comes up in both scenarios and you credit that to your upbringing of your parents. It sounds like they were great parents and helped lay a strong foundation in your life that you are carrying over to your businesses, family and life. In your interview, you share about a topic that is not only a problem in the US but isn’t something that most people want to share either. Thanks for diving into your own personal health issues as well as helping others learn about your life in general. I know your story will be an encouragement to others like it has been to me. You are a good one Kyle and I’m looking forward to staying in contact and helping you in any way I can. I’d also like to say that my Dad would be happy to have you be a part of Bill’s Corner as I am too. Thanks again.
Kyle is awesome, & so is his story!
I enjoyed listening to Gary interviewing Kyle. It is heartwarming to see a young successful businessman with his priorities in order.
What an awesome video and message! This was great to watch for me because of the impact both Kyle and Gary have had on my life. Gary and Check Your Game have had a lasting impact on me since I met him when I was 8 years old playing youth football. Then now having Kyle as a huge impact on me and my life these last few years. Kyle has been a great role model and has helped put me in positions to grow both personally and in my career.
Kyle is a great person who has given me an opportunity to help me support my family. I have learned a lot from him over the 2+ years in not only the business world but as a leader and as a father. More importantly, Kyle is a person in my life that I can call at any time of the day/night if needed and he would drop whatever he was doing to help. Thanks Kyle for being a great boss and even better friend.
Enjoyed your interview Gary! I have worked with Kyle Decker since the launch of his career at The Job Center in 2009. I have marveled at how he started as a BD Rep with no experience and grew the Company into an $80 million business in 11 yrs. It was and still is his vision that leads the Company to success. He is true to his word in that he doesn’t deviate from his plan. I respect that as we have blossomed, he credits the hard working employees (both Internal & External) as the foundation for his success. Humility is an accurate description.The Job Centers changes lives everyday. We offer first jobs and second chances. We have powered medical & food supply chains during the pandemic. We are STRONG! I am delighted to have the opportunity to work for a Company that gives back to its employees, Customers and Community. Only more good things are on the horizon for Kyle & The Job Center!
I am new to The Job Center and I am excited for the opportunity to work with the leadership team. It is an exciting time to be joining this company.
I love the concept behind your podcast and I love it even more to see “Check Your Game” on the banner hanging in your office. Props for Gary too for being such a good sport and cheering on the team bringing his red and white to wear! You mentioned sports being your niche market, I wonder to what extent people coming through the job center share similar stories in relation to employment or being in transition? Further, how might having an executive coach/consultant on staff make an even greater impact during the employment lifecycle providing services that compliment or compensate for professioanl development needs and intersts? I couldn’t agree more balance is important. Taking the time to be purposeful in the areas of relationship, physical, spiritual and mental health takes discipline. The things that are easy to do are also easy not to do! I like that you brought to the table the idea of response – to fight or fly away such that, the process of facing adversity is to “unmake what you have made.” The light that comes in darkness is revelatory in nature. To begin building the disciplines is to notice the old way and all that contributes to it. Essential to proof of progress is that we are called to account for certain attitudes and behaviors. I think it’s neat to see the transformation along your journey moving from working in a space with a broken window to where you are now making an impact in twenty different locations across eight states. In fact, it’s a perfect example of accountability in observable form. I am sure it wasn’t always an easy and that you encountered some barriers to entry and overcome such obstacles along the way. You mentioned having your parents as active supporters and influencers setting high standards and expectations. This is an illustration of the effect of giving and realizing the constant and ongoing exchange that allows needs to be met. What a great thing to see and reflect on. To “Check your Game” is a reminder that it takes a continual and deliberate effort to put people first. Your full understanding of this shines through in your genuine appreciation and your willingness to help others. Keep sweeping!”
Great interview by not only an amazing leader, but an even better person. Have already changed my life TREMENDOUSLY by choosing to work for Kyle a handful of months ago. Keep up the great work Kyle. You impact people’s lives much more than you know!
Gary thanks for having me on. It is an honor to be part of Bill’s Corner and Check Your Game. Your platform is powerful. Keep doing great work!
Great interview G!! Loved hearing all this! Great stories from my great love <3
As a Riley Decker team member, I agree with Kyle’s points. In addition, Kyle has implemented a culture that relies on team work, hard work and dedication across the board and has led by example. Honored to be a part of the Riley Decker Family.–
Loved this! We are so blessed to have Kyle as our son in law. Kyle’s parents were incredible role models and raised such an amazing son. Kyle is a wonderful husband and father. He is extremely successful and earns the respect of others each and every day. I wish we could bottle Kyle’s energy and enthusiasm. He works far too much (you’re welcome Kristin:) but always walks in the door so happy to see his little family. Witnessing the love he has for his children and our daughter is more than we could ever ask. Thank you Gary for doing this!
Very solid interview by my cohost KD! I’ve heard these stories a few times over the years and yet I always find a take away after I listen. Thanks Gary for supporting the brand and I’m glad Kyle was able to support the brand as well.
Kyle, I am SO proud of you! My heart knew you would do special things, I just did not know what. You have been a leader all of your life- whether it was playing in the backyard, on a field/court or how you treated people. Kids gravitated to you, family & friends love you and your teachers and coaches respected you. You are still that young boy with big dreams & goals ….you have just continued to learn and grow and work hard along the way. Never stop being you! Love, Mom
What a great perspective you have been given at a young age. Congratulations on all you are accomplishing and more importantly your desire to invest in the lives of other people! We need leaders like you helping others understand that life is truly found by giving ours away and desiring to be a part of something bigger than ourselves!! Rooting for your continued success and development as you build into others!!
Hi, Kyle….Great points! I felt I could relate to you as well in some of the areas. The topic of being on your game is when you are physically active. That for myself is key and COVID has given me more time too in this area. Since February, I have never skipped a workout and have been walking and running anywhere from 4-5 miles a day. I feel my mental game has made me much more alive allowing me to be the best version of myself. I appreciate your story! All the best and hope we can connect and share stories in detail. God Bless!!