Johnny Clark
Journey Of Faith

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In Johnny’s story, learn about how he spent time trying not to lose during his younger years, only to discover how he was able to embrace failure and loss as a way to learn and grown and to trust in God. In his story, he ultimately is prepared for the future as some major trials that many of us may face at some point in our lives such as death, failure of a business and divorce showed up in his life.

1 Comment

  1. Gary Rogers

    Johnny, thanks for being so candid and talking about stuff that people don’t always want to share. Knowing you during football for a short time I saw that you always were a good guy, nice to others and more of an example of a role model though I seemed to follow others(down the wrong path)! Your perspective on winning is very interesting! Of course we all want to win(in games, in work, in grades and relationships, etc) but life can never be done with an undefeated record so learning through loss is so important and something that all athletes can learn through your story and words. And lastly, never giving up, never trying to do it alone and never stop being grateful are also great pieces of advice for current athlete’s as well as ex-athlete’s like myself. Thanks for being a friend and thanks for sharing your heart. I know others will be encouraged by your story and advice.


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