Jamie Winborn
Journey Of Humility

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In Jamie’s story, this 10 year veteran in the NFL shares how about how changes and decisions in his life led him to a place of humility that put him on a better path in life!

1 Comment

  1. Gary Rogers

    Jamie, first of all I wanted to say thank-you so much for your transparency! It’s not easy to talk about some of the things you shared but you did! The word transparency also goes together with Humility! I can really sense that there was a time in life when all things went wayward and you got on this new path of thinking less of yourself and more for others! You can’t fake humility! I think that is what I love hearing from you and sensing from you as well. I think most people would rather be around a humble person than not! Your story has so much going on Jamie, it’s hard to know what exactly to tell you other than, Great Job making a decision to get on a new path in life! It obviously took some tough times (divorce, cancer, jail) to open up your eyes, but YOU still had to decide that you would change paths (Check Your Game) and you did! I’m hoping to continue to stay in contact with you and will help you in any way I can if you need it! Thanks again for your story, your humility and your desire to go down the Right Path!


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