Jake Thompson
Journey Of Faith

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Jake was In his mid 20’s when he was called out by his good friend while sitting on the couch with a handle of Vodka on a Wednesday night!
Read more to find out how this night affected him in a positive way.

1 Comment

  1. Gary Rogers

    Jake, it has been so nice to get to know you and to hear a little bit of your story. What started out by your roommate calling you out when he sees the handle of Vodka in your hand and then hearing and seeing all the great things you are a part of today, is not only amazing, but is encouraging for others too. I am so appreciative of your time and also your humility and transparency to share some things that aren’t always easy to share. You share many things but just a few that really encouraged me to be able to share with others is about identity and also comparing oneself to others. Those 2 things are problems in many people’s lives and you not only talk candidly about them, but also give great wisdom as to how to handle them both. The last thing I appreciated as well but wasn’t written down on your profile was in regards to your creativity. You talk about when you get away from nourishing the spiritual side, then your creativity takes a dip! Isn’t that amazing how that works. I believe we are all given different gifts in life and that our choices, both good and bad, result in whether we are able to use our gifts to the best of our ability. Thanks again for sharing on Check Your Game and looking forward to encouraging others with your story and advice. Oh…..and I can’t wait to read your book too!


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