After my service in the army, I faced many struggles. I’ve heard people call it, “War Residue,” or “PTSD,” but whatever you call it, I had it. I struggled with nightmares and the shame and guilt of the harm that I inflicted on other human beings. The cost of freedom is high and my mind and my body paid a hefty toll. I reached a point in my life where living was no longer appealing. I decided that the best days of my life were behind me and that I would take my life. One night I drank an excessive amount of alcohol and I decided that I would take my life. I placed a pistol in my mouth and asked God to save me, but there was no response. I put the pistol in my mouth and took the safety off as I prayed that God would save me. I heard a “Bang!” that startled me, so I dropped my pistol and looked around me, but there was no blood. God intervened!
Today, I work as the Veterans Outreach Director at Step Forward Academy. I help veterans and their families helping them find a path to a living wage through mentorship and coaching.
My Advice
God has a calling and purpose for your life. No matter how difficult life gets, it is always worth living!
Fernando…Wow! What an incredible story you shared. God surely loves you and has a beautiful plan for your life.
Thank you, Fernando, for your sacrificial service and for sharing your story! What courage and what a testimony.
The struggles in life makes us the person of today. You were saved Fernando not only to tell your story but to help others, that are lost. Thank you for your service, wear it with pride.
Fernando and Gary,
Thank you for sharing this miraculous story about your courage, the miraculous power of God, and your willingness to share openly for the benefit of others. You are a hero and I thank you for serving our country and serving our great God!