Darci J. Steiner
Journey Of Faith

We encourage people through stories of faith,
legacy, and our trusted business community

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A fall down the stairs in the year 2000 put Darci in a bed for 2 years.
This story is about an amazing woman of faith who has learned that her circumstances and suffering may not make sense; but she knows that God is in control!

Full Interview


  1. Staci Diffendaffer

    Darci, you are truly a woman after God’s heart. Your determination to seek God’s gifts and goodness in the midst of long-suffering and pain is inspiring!

    • Darci Joy Steiner

      Staci, thank you. Your story inspires me too. I guess that’s how it works. We all learn from each other. Thanks for being such a great support and friend to me.

  2. Desiree

    This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your story. I am looking forward to checking out your book!

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Hi Desiree,
      Thank you for reading and reaching out. I appreciate you taking the time to respond and encourage me. Thanks for looking into the book, I hope it speaks to you.

  3. Peggy Bodde

    Thank you, Darci, for sharing your story. Your faith inspires, encourages, and humbles me

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Peggy, thank you for reading my story and for your encouragement! I’m thankful to God if he can use my story to provide hope and healing to others. It makes me feel better about my pain somehow. Maybe because it gives it deeper purpose than solely for the benefit of myself. Thanks for responding!

  4. Stacey Siekman

    Darci, your story is incredibly inspiring! Your words, “God is here with me. Not in my imagination, but in presence,” jumped off the page at me! In all that you have had to endure, these words are so powerful!

    Your book sounds amazing and I know it will make a huge difference to those who hold it in their hands!

    May God continue to use you and your own unique heart song to teach, shape, and inspire others to keep on, keeping on!

    With, or without walking, your message is talking!

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Your response moved my heart. I have felt the presence of God more often in my suffering than at any other time in my life. He really is showing himself to me in ways I never knew I could know him. All of us can embrace him in our challenges and know he is walking each step with us.

      Every time I sat down to write, I prayed God would tell me what to write for those who would read it. I believe he did that and will put it into the hands of those who could benefit from the stories held in its cover.

      “With, or without walking your message is talking.” I love this! Thank you!

  5. Lisa C Uhrik

    What an inspiring life story — I can’t wait to read your book. YES! We are thankful in ALL things and your testimony of how God blesses (carries, delivers, prepares) us in our hardships moves me deeply. Beautiful irony — your story is about getting up and it lifts us all.

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Hi Lisa,
      Thank you for reading/listening to this story! Gary is so kind in providing this platform.

      I hope you find nuggets in the book that speak to you. It is richly filled with scripture, so there’s no doubt his Word will. Thank you for your interest!


  6. Val Smith

    Thank you Darci, your courage is inspirational.
    Your story got me thinking about my own diet and how I’ve let healthy eating slip, and feeling the effects of that!
    Looking forward to reading your book Darci and getting back to a healthier lifestyle which was prompted by reading this article!

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Hi Val! Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m glad you found something that resonated with you. Yes, good food really helped me. I do have a nutrition chapter in the book I hope you find valuable. Keep in touch!

  7. Jean Rogers

    Dear Darci, I just listened to your interview with my son Gary…”take 2 interview.” Such a sweet time of good conversation as the tone was set with encouragement. Thank you for sharing your story. I then read your Check Your Game written story. As a mother, I also could have “only imagined” just what you had to go through to get to where you are today. I too could feel your pain with this valley journey
    experience. You are an incredible woman of God who chose to persevere and to continue to do what it takes to get well again. Your story is impactful and will be used for many who also have a trial story of their own. You are a precious lady who is a beautiful witness for God’s grace and faithfulness. May God continue to heal you 100%. Jesus be glorified.

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Hi Jean,
      Wow, what an encourager you are! I felt so warm reading your words to me. I lost my mom tragically in a car crash fourteen years ago. Your words feel so motherly, and I have missed having that. My eyes are actually welling up with tears because the journey has been so difficult and my mom hasn’t been around for most of the hard parts. I didn’t know I needed this motherly encouragement until you just supplied it. Thank you for your gentleness and kindness.

      I also read your story and want to comment further about you there. Your son is a giver, and I can see where it comes from. Your family truly loves you as I sit here and watch the video they made for you, and your laughter in response! Pretty special!

      Yes, God be Glorified! And God bless you!

  8. Dr. Katrina Esau

    Touching story…I give God praise for your spirit. I’m curious what triggered the 2nd stint of disability. Did the CRPS return? At any rate, I pray God totally heals you and restores the years the locust, canker, and Palmer worms have eaten. Peace & Blessings, Dr. K.

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Hi Dr. Esau,
      Yes, I do believe the CRPS was triggered again. I’m trying to climb out of the pain again with all the things that worked before. God, good food, pool therapy, exercise, help from friends, my ‘why’, or purpose, etc. Writing my book really helped because it distracted me from the pain. I thank God he gave me back my hand functions enough to do though. Part of my book was transcribed with voice though! Thanks for your encouragement and curiosity! Darci

  9. Terry Black

    WOW! I thank God For those words and for you sharing them.

    • Darci J. Steiner

      Thank you Terry. And I’m so thankful for your powerful story too! What a remarkable God we have!

  10. Gary Rogers

    Darci, I wanted to sincerely thank-you for all that you’ve done for me and my business. Getting to know you has been great. I’m so glad we even got a chance to do your video 2x! Raise the hands! Thank-you for participating with my vision of this business with sharing, Nominating 2 others (I’ve reached out to both) and contributing not only financially, but also with your time as you’ve encouraged many others on this platform! I still am praying for you and lifting my hands, but my prayers are for a full recovery! Thanks again Darci for all that you’ve done to help!

    • Darci J. Steiner

      I totally did not see this until just now. You are so kind to say all the nice things you said. You are very gracious with your words. I’m thankful for this platform and the opportunity to share and nominate people to also share their impactful stories. Not only that, but you have built a very powerful community here that support one another. You can’t put a price on that. I love seeing the support on LinkedIn. I’m very grateful for all you do for all of us! Thanks Gary! Darci


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