Craig Olson
Journey Of Faith

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This story is about a young couple who was challenged with brain cancer and how they were able to go through it together.

Find out how their Faith was used to result in many great things.


  1. Staci Diffendaffer

    I think the hardest part of walking through a painful season is the looming thought that things will never get better- that we’ll always be stuck in misery. This story is so encouraging though. It reminds me that even in the hardest moments of our lives, that God is with us, speaking to us and guiding us. It reminds me that there is still hope for a future of joy, and that our painful past can be used to help others. Thank you for sharing such a deeply personal story, Craig.

    • Craig Michael Olson

      Thank you Staci and you are exactly right. In the moment that looming fear is incredibly high and difficult to ignore.

  2. Stacey Siekman

    Craig—what a story— a journey of love, triumph, grief, and hope! It is amazing how God works in and through our most difficult circumstances! Your story is incredible! Thank you for sharing!!

    • Craig Michael Olson

      Thank you Stacey. God truly is amazing! In spite of whatever we are going through He can 100% use it. Hope is one of the hardest things to have in difficult times, but is needed to keep moving forward.

  3. James Barber

    Thank you for sharing. I lost my wife 5 years ago.

    Your story of faith is encouraging and challenging.

    May God continue to bless you as you go deeper in your relationship with Him.

    • Craig Michael Olson

      Thank you James. My relationship with God has definitely went through the trenches with various struggles, but those allow for so much growth.

  4. Darci Joy Steiner

    Thank you for sharing your story Craig. It was very moving. Enduring suffering has made you stronger. I’m so glad you have a new bride standing by your side. God Bless!

    • Craig Michael Olson

      Thank you Darci! Those struggles did definitely make me stronger in a lot of areas that it didn’t even realize I needed to grow.

  5. Jean Rogers

    Wow… I just read your story.
    What an amazing journey of life you shared on the “Check Your Game” sight.
    It appears that It all started with the “love of your life” and with precious life-long dreams only to experience loss at the deepest level. It was loss not only for you but for your little boys.
    As you soon realized; life can be very unpredictable and difficult with change.
    But with God, and as we trust Him; He works all things together for good. I can say that … for not long ago, I lost my wonderful husband with 53 years of marriage. For me, personally, God’s faithfulness has been very evident.
    Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that we are to have forward thinking…for God loves us and has a good plan.
    Thank you Craig for sharing your story and being transparent with your heartfelt feelings.
    Blessings to you as you start a new chapter in your life. God is with you.
    Jean Rogers

    • Craig Michael Olson

      Thank you Jean for sharing. Loss definitely opens our eyes in ways we may never have expected. Jeremiah 29:11 was Rachael’s verse that she used as a motto throughout her battle and is a very important verse for us.

  6. Sara Im

    Wow, what a journey. I’m so sorry for your loss, your pain and your struggle. Praise you for being strong and resilient. Our life shows us that we can be unbreakable when we hold on to our faith and our love in our heart. Wishing you God’s blessings on you, your boys and your new love.

    • Craig Michael Olson

      Thank you Sara. You are 100% without faith we definitely would be broken by these hard experiences we have been through. I appreciate your words

      • Sara Im

        Craig, you are most welcome. Yes, when you realize that God had been with you through those difficult times, you will be forever grateful. May God continue to be with you and your family. Sara

  7. Gary Rogers

    I finished your book, “Defeating the Unbeatable” last week and really enjoyed it Craig. I recommend it to others, especially those who like baseball, to learn more about the game, at the same time be encouraged with THE solution to “Defeating the Unbeatable.” Thanks so much Craig for sharing your Check Your Game Life Story as well as Nominating someone to be a part of our community. Looking forward to getting to know you even more in the future! Thanks again from your new friend in Florida, Gary.


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