Blake Southerland
Journey Of Faith

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Blake shares about two events in his life (video/written story) that caused sadness and confusion.
We get insight into the healing process after his brother Yusuf passed, as well as advice on communication; something he learned after 4 years of playing collegiate basketball.

Full Interview


  1. Nanny

    Thank you Gary. This was so moving. Hard to find the words! So grateful for both you and Blake sharing words that inspire and encourage everyone that is fortunate to see and hear. God is good.

  2. Sammy

    Hi Blakey! This was so encouraging to read. I am so amazed by the way you are always putting others above yourself! You are such a great friend to those around you. I am so proud of how dedicated you are to the one thing that matters most in this world – sharing your love for Christ. How neat that you got to lead so many friends to Him. I pray that God continues to move and work in your life! Thanks for sharing your story! Love you so much!
    love Sammy

  3. Alison & Connor

    We do admire the strength it took to share all that you did about your life in this interview. It truly is a testament to the type of person that you are. I can’t imagine growing up without a brother or TWIN. My favorite fun fact to tell new people is, “I have a twin brother.” You are the best brother and we can always count on no matter what! You have been our favorite visitor in Lexington We love you so much!
    -Ali & Connor

  4. CC Southerland

    I am so so proud of you. You have had such an impact on so many people by the way you care and listen so well. You are such an amazing friend, brother, cousin, son, and so much more. You shine the light of Christ so brightly. I love you so much!

  5. Amy Scherr

    We could not be more proud to call Blake our nephew! Blake is kind, mild mannered, patient, purposeful, smart, athletic, handsome, strong, consistent, faithful….We could go on and on. Blake has always had the confidence to be who he is! He has never (although I know he’s not perfect) waivered from being Blake. He has often been the glue to hold family and friends together. He is a trusted friend to anyone who know him. Most importantly, Blake has sought to know the Lord and has shared His love with everyone he knows….And he does it in the most attractive and natural way possible. Blake doesn’t push himself or the Lord’s love on anyone. He simply and humbly models it for all of us to see.
    We are so proud of you Blake! Thank you for loving all of us so well. Thank you for your commitment to things that matter. And thank you for sharing your story! It is a great one with so much good still ahead!

    Keep being you! Keep changing lives!
    We love you so much!
    A Amy & U Rick

  6. Sydney Southerland

    Proud of you Blakey

  7. Tim Southerland

    Blakey it sure has been an interesting road over the last few years. You are such an amazing example of remaining faithful regardless of circumstances. Thank you for sharing your story so that others are fortunate enough to hear and learn about the life of Yusuf and his one of a kind heart. I also say thank you for being vulnerable and for showing strength by admitting you have weakness and that we all need help in processing some of the things God allows us to experience. Love you.

  8. Cooper Scherr

    So cool Blake! Super awesome to see the man you have become in Christ! Love you man!

  9. Kim Southerland


    Beyond proud of the man of God you have become…you are a physical example of Gods love here on earth. Keep doing you!!

  10. Austin Southerland

    Very thankful for you to be my cousin. Your a great example of how to love and accept others into your life. As well as showing people God’s light.

  11. Izzi Risma

    Blake, what a deep encapsulation of your sweet life! Though young in age, you are wise beyond your years. God has worked in you throughout your entire life as shown by all the people you impact. You are more Godly than many seasoned Christians I know. You have persevered through a lot and I marvel at the grace you have shown to those around you through it all. I hope and pray that you continue to seek and grow in Christ to His glory! Can’t wait to see what great things God has in store for you. You are a special man! Love you!

  12. Suzanne Southerland

    Blake is the real deal. He loves The Lord and strives to walk with Him daily. He has such a beautiful servant’s heart and is continually putting others before himself. He has challenges and struggles too, but is often quiet about those things. Blake, thanks for being vulnerable and sharing those things as part of your story. We are all in process. I’m so thankful you know that and that Gary gave you an opportunity to share your heart and wisdom with others. Thanks G-Rog for always pouring into and loving Blake like your own. It takes a Village, and you have been an instrumental part of Blake’s story!
    Blake, The Lord has blessed me immeasurably by giving me you. Love you, Mom

  13. Liz Testamark

    Blake, as I have listened to and read your words they have truly blessed and warmed my heart. I love how the Lord has spoken to you and have used different moments in your life to comfort you, challenge you and to teach you. Your words are such an encouragement to me and so many others. Thank you for allowing the Lord to you use !

  14. Diane

    Blakey, I am blessed to have watched you grow over the years both personally and in the Lord. Your kind, beautiful ❤️ is SO inviting and contagious. The strong love you have for the Lord, your family & friends is what life is all about. It takes many a lifetime of struggle to figure that out. What amazing life long lesson’s you have learned…hold strong to practicing them and sharing them along your way. God has his hand on your back pointing you in his direction for you Blakey. I am SO excited to see where he takes you!! One last thing I am sure of…Yusuf took your love with him ❤️❤️❤️

  15. Jim Driller

    Blake, Thank you for sharing your life story with us!! I resonated with you about talking to your coach. I love the consistency/stability that you do life in. Keep being a “team player” and there is nothing you can’t do! We Know that all things work together for Good. Keep seeking and asking God for a special word or insight to what His purpose is with Big U. I know He will! Be blessed and I’m truly grateful for your friendship! Watch’em Now

  16. Chase Murray


    Love this, brought a tear to my eye. Keep being the incredible man that you are and bringing a Christlike attitude to everything in life.

    Love ya,


  17. Alex

    Blake, I’m so proud of you for sharing your story. You are a strong Christian and God gifted you to guide others to Him. Your love for God is contagious and makes people want to “love to this game” too.
    God is good

  18. Tosin Ajetunmobi

    This is a truly touching story, Blake. Thank you for the lessons you shared here. It’s so great you were able to find your faith and hope even in those dark times.

    In life, there are some things we may never really get to understand but we must never lose hope and always talk to those who matter. A problem shared is indeed a problem half-solved.

    Thanks for sharing. God bless and comfort you and your family forever.

  19. Gary Rogers

    Blake, you have been a great friend to me since the day you were born. I remember when you were just a little kid using a stool so you could reach the sink to brush your teeth, to watching you in your sports events and even being a part of the family when you went on vacation. In all these years, I have seen so much maturity and character. I always tell people that to understand who a person is, you need to look at their fruit. I don’t know if you call yourself an apple tree, orange tree or whatever, but I do know that I see lots of fruit on your tree. You are who you say you are and I feel blessed to know you and be able to call you a friend. I’m so sorry about some of the things that you had to experience in the last 4 years, but I know it will make you stronger. You were a good friend to Yusuf and I know he loved you so much! As far as basketball, it’s tough for you as well as many others out there who never got a fair shot, but I’m glad you are able to give advice to others who may be in a similar boat as you once were in order to help give them a better chance on their team by taking your instruction…..communicate not tomorrow, not next week or next year, but today! And Lastly Blake, GREAT JOB for sticking it out for the 4 years of basketball. Just the fact that you did that tells me way more about you than if you were the MVP every year for your team! It’s the stuff we can’t see on the inside that is waaaaaay more important than the outside! You have Jesus in your heart and it shows! Thanks again for your story and can’t wait to see where life takes you. Your friend always, Love G


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