Amobi Okugo
Journey Of Young Boy in Sports

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Getting Cut was Disastrous but a New future Lied Ahead

Gen Y, Life Stories, Sports

In this story, Amobi shares about a time when he was cut from a soccer team and used that as his motivation for his future!

1 Comment

  1. Gary Rogers

    Amobi, I just wanted to say to you that even though I don’t know you well, I already know you are a really good guy. I know you may have flaws and aren’t perfect like most of us, but what I find so intriguing is that even though you are currently playing professional soccer (5/6/19), you always have acted as if you’re no better than others. When I set an appointment to talk, you always pick up and your word is honored with your actions. This is the first thing that I loved learning about you as a person. In regards to your story, well I can imagine what that was like to be sitting there in the airport watching the coach tap players on the shoulder. I can relate because on the last day of cuts when I played football, instead of watching the coach, I was listening to the player personnel knocking on different doors that were around me and pretending to sleep didn’t stop that knock on my door either (wasn’t the end for me though). It isn’t easy for anyone playing sports when we get to a level where a certain amount of players are selected whether it’s on an AAU team, in Middle School or as a professional athlete! The best thing about your story is that you didn’t allow that situation to make you quit going after your dreams. You used this as motivation like many others to motivate you even more. You went to your coach and asked what you could do to get better, you spent more time at practice and you even worked on your studies so there wasn’t anything that would hinder you from doing your best in soccer. Check Your Game isn’t just acknowledging that there is work to do, but it also involves a second step and that is to take ACTION! For those kids who have gotten cut or maybe you are on a team but not happy with how much you’re participating, don’t just sit back and do nothing about it. Do what Amobi did with his situation. First of all, don’t give up if you want something bad enough! Ask others what you can do to get better and then go and TAKE ACTION! I can promise you this, that when you do these steps, you will truly know that you are giving your best and no matter what the outcome, you can feel good about yourself! Thanks Amobi for your humility and transparency with your story. I know you’ll be an encouragement for others.



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