Tom Cudney
Journey Of A Coach

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This story is about a water boy that turned professional athlete that turned coach!


  1. Gary Rogers

    Wow Coach! What a story you had. When I played under Ray Jauch(your old coach) and you were a part of our team’s coaching staff, I really had no idea about you or really anyone else. It’s interesting how much I didn’t know. I always liked you but I never knew all that you had gone through, especially being a water boy to playing professionally for the Chiefs and others. What an amazing story of humble beginnings. It sounded like your military background and father were instrumental in some of your ways in order to keep fighting and no excuses! I know there are others out there that might not be good enough right now, but give it time for their body to develop and the right attitude, work ethic and “love” and they too can be like you! Thank-you so much for sharing your personal story as I know it’s been encouraging even to me though I can’t play sports again!

  2. David Waterbury

    Quite a story my friend,, all the way from the 60s. Wish you well.. I’m still here in Cali. My wife died a couple years ago.. married 26 years.. all the best. David.

    • Tom Cudney

      Hello David,

      I’m terribly sorry to hear of your wife’s passing! Please message me directly at Tom Cudney on Facebook as I wish to continue our communication…

      Thank you,


  3. Tom Cudney

    Thank you, Gary, for allowing me to share with you a bit of my story and perspective on Check Your Game!

    Much continued success…!!!


  4. William Smith

    That is the TC that we all know and love!


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