Dr. Katrina Esau
Journey Of Faith

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Better Results needed Forgiveness with this generational curse

Business, Faith, Family, Gen X, Life Stories, Relationship

From PROM DATE to INFIDELITY! Dr. Katrina encourages others with her story of faith and how she was able to stop a generational curse that went back three generations


  1. Sarah Ebner

    Thank you Dr.Katrina for sharing this story. I so very much related to you on many levels. Especially the part about not trusting men. I will have to check out your website and books. Thank you again. Best, Sarah Ebner

    • Dr. Katrina Esau

      Sarah, It’s my privilege. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. Let me know if there is anything I can answer or provide clarity as you peruse the website.

  2. Staci Diffendaffer

    This is a great story of selfless pursuing of God, love over comfort, healing from shame, and the difficult process of forgiveness. This is such an encouragement to prioritize working to make a marriage work, even when it hurts, and the goodness that God can bring when we do that. Thank you for transparently sharing such an inspiring and encouraging story.

    • Dr. Katrina Esau

      Staci – It is my pleasure and privilege to share and help others. Thank you for taking the time to comment. It is greatly appreciated.

  3. Sabrina Protic

    Dr Katrina thank you for being completely transparent in your story of pain and forgiveness. I really love your purpose for working through the pain which was the legacy for your daughter. All too often the innocent mate takes the easy road out. But the road less traveled is one that requires hard continuous work, effort and complete forgiveness. Your story is one of empowerment along with education to teach women where to put their trust and faith and how to overcome what seems to be the impossible.

  4. Dr. Katrina Esau

    Sabrina – I’ve learned some things are worth fighting for… Thank you for taking the time to comment on my story.

  5. cate

    So inspiring! Such a deep and painful journey with profound repercussions.

    • Dr. Katrina Esau

      Thank you, Cate! Painful? Yes! As the Psalmist said, It was good that I was afflicted because it taught me His ways and gave me the relationship I have with the Father today. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my story. Blessings!

  6. Billy Southerland

    Wow!! What an amazing story Katrina !!Thank you so very much for taking the time to share it here!! God is so kind so good patient loving and never stops pursuing us!! Your story is such a testament to all of those things. Thank you so very much for sharing. I am deeply moved. God bless you all !! Billy

    • Dr. Katrina Esau

      Thank you, Billy! I am eternally grateful that God never stops pursuing us… I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my story.

  7. Gary Rogers

    Dr. K., I’m so glad we got to know each other through a podcast we both were a part of. It’s nice to have you there as I always know you’re there to support and back me up as we share a similar faith.

    Also, I wanted to say thanks for being transparent, humble and willing to share your Check Your Game story. There is no way else to explain it other than a strong faith is able to overcome a lot; especially the generational curse that you put a stop to. Though not all people may be as fortunate to save their marriage like you did, your story brings hope and encouragement. Thanks again for sharing as well as our growing friendship. G

    • Dr. Katrina Esau

      “Strong Faith is able to I overcome a lot” sums it up quite well. I don’t know that’ll I’ll ever understand why God chose me to do such a meaningful and powerful task. There are 5 of us (siblings). He could have used any of us. Every time I ask Him about it He reminds me many are called but few are chosen. It is my sincere honor to help others suffering with infidelity through that hellacious season of their life. Thank you for allowing me to share on this platform. Dr.K

  8. Desiree Taylor

    What a beautiful story of restoration. Thank you for sharing your heart so freely. I love the ministry that had come out of the painful season.

    • Dr. Katrina Esau

      Desiree, thank you for taking time to read my story and comment. It’s an honor to be used of the Father and share with women across the world.

  9. Ashlee Berghoff

    Thank you so much for sharing your story so openly, Dr. K. It is so powerful to see how God has redeemed your marriage and empowered you to use your own story to support other women who have experienced the same thing.

    • Dr. Katrina Esau

      Ashlee, it is my honor and privilege to share my story with others. My prayer is other women walking this journey will find solace and comfort knowing they’re not alone. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Blessings, Dr. K

  10. Wendy Wallace

    Your story is a great reminder that forgiveness will get you far. Following the leadership of God helps with forgiveness. I’m so happy for your 25 year celebration. Thanks for leading the way & being a great teacher to those who have faced infidelity in their lives.

  11. Darci J. Steiner

    Dr. K,
    Thank you for sharing your story. I love how God showed you all those verses to help you navigate which direction to go. I can believe you help a lot of women who experience similar experiences as you. You are a very good writer too! I was entranced by your story and your evident love and commitment to God.


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