On January 22, 2021, a group of friends that Toni invited showed up to be a part of your online 55th Birthday Celebration! Bob, you are officially nominated to be a part of the Check Your Game Community not just because I think you have a heart of gold, your inside is “shiny,” and so much more, but also because of what your friends below have shared You will always be able to reflect on this link and we hope you enjoy! And first up……your friend for many years, Tina!
Tina Gramman: I’ve know Bob for 20+ years. We met each other while working for Delta in CVG. Over the years, he and I have become even closer in multiple levels. He has always been there for me and especially during some of my darker times. Good listener and has a big caring heart. I love you Bob!

Julie “A-Z” Whalen: Bob, you’re the glue that holds everyone together. You’re like a wheel that helps keep all the spokes connected. I love you Bob!

Mark Striker: Bob is a very generous teacher. He loves to share and teach others about what he knows. I have seen this on numerous fly fishing trips where he spends hours of his vacation time teaching me and others how to fish, and giving people fishing flies and tackle.

Lisa Striker: I have a garden full of flowers, thanks to you Bob! You are always looking for fresh solutions and have a “fix a problem” mentality. You also love to share your skills about all that you learn with others- and I get to reap the benefits with my flowers. I always think of you when I see them!

Tami Rogers: One of my favorite memories of Bob is at our wedding when you were dancing with my 4’11” Mom. Bob chimes in, “well she looked like she needed to dance with someone.” I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I also like the vision of the tire and the spokes. That’s a great way to describe you. And lastly Bob, you know your 31 parties were my favorite, especially because we were among close friends and we could relax and just be ourselves. Love you, Tami.

Scott Farrell: Bob, you do a great job of giving people experiences. I remember going wake surfing on the Licking river with you, Mark and your brother Tom. I was in a stressful job at the time and remember how great it was to have an amazing time doing something new. That was one of the highlights of that summer. From wake surfing, to mountain biking, to crossroads small groups, to paintball, you give so many people unique experiences.

Chris A-Z: My memories of Bob were going to an 80’s party only We dressed up like 80 year olds! Bob had a walker and i had a cane. He got me hooked on motorcycles. In fact, we went on a motorcycle trip to Colorado. You also got me going to Crossroads and helped me with my relationship with God.

Lynn Barclay: We first met Bob through bowling and instantly became great friends. He is so much fun and easy to talk to. Before you know it, he invited us on a ski trip to Seven Springs which was the best time and brought us even closer. He’s a great party planner and instant friend to all those he meets! We also had a blast on the bar crawl bus tours he organized along with the annual canoe trip each year. What made us really feel special is when we were invited to his annual birthday 31 party. I have to say those were some of the best parties I’ve ever been to and never laughed so much! It was nice being with a smaller group and really getting to know & talk to everyone there. I’ve always wanted Bob to find that special person as he is such a great guy with so much to offer. I knew the first time that I met Toni that he finally hit the jackpot! We’re so happy for them both. We love you and can’t wait to see you again soon!

Micki Bates: There is no one that brings people together like Bob. Anytime you are with Bob you are meeting new people. The Carol Heist, or taking pictures at Hoeting’s holiday party, or the wine event in Augusta were events that brought people together and created new friendships. Below is Bob encouraging Benny to hump me!

Jason: Bob and Toni were so welcoming to me. They never even knew me but were so nice. We were playing 31 and neighbors and more neighbors came over. I Love hearing all the stories and appreciate their kindness.
Gary Rogers: Bob, you’ve always been that guy who brings everyone together. I hate to bring it up again, but meeting you at the volleyball court is a great memory and the beginning of a long friendship over the years. Big hands, do you want eggs, bacon and pancakes Gary?, volleyball, Crossroads, skiing/snowboarding and many more memories I am fortunate to have shared with you. You are loved by everyone, including me! I appreciate our friendship always. Lastly, I think about you Bob in the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 that says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

Hey 1 chip, this is 3 chip talking to you!

Toni Batts: Bob is the love of my life. You all are a part of that in one way or another. It made a big impression on me, the network of people that he knew. It’s really extraordinary to me that I’ve met all of you through Bob, even some I met only once. You all have a special place in Bob’s heart. He has such a big heart and with everyone on here tonight, I know it is full.